Monday, May 17, 2010

Spring continued.....

Spring is in full swing here at the farm.  We have had lots of bird sightings:  blue jays, crows, wild turkeys, mourning doves, pileated woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, hairy woodpeckers, tufted titmouse, chickadees, American robins, American goldfinches, and more yet to be identified (I just got better binoculars to help with this.)  I'm hoping to get pictures of all of the birds so I can post them soon.

I put out orange halves for the Orioles though I think the squirrels are eating them instead (I'll keep trying).  The other morning I saw that one of the orange halves was missing and didn't see it anywhere.  Then I found it.  This first picture shows the distance it traveled, it was on the post near the bird feeders in the distance (center of picture) and traveled to where the picture was taken.  The next pictures you can see where it ended up!

I put out a netted bag of Kaya's hair for the birds to use in their nests/houses.  I haven't found any nests in our bird houses yet, however I did find half of a robin's egg in our yard, so I know they are nesting somewhere.

I planted the lilac tree that my mother gave me (it's tied to bamboo posts right now to help with rooting/not falling over).  I can't wait for next year to hopefully get some flowers!!!

 I also made a violet plant bed (also transplanted from my mother's yard) in front of the workshop.

 I started the new herb bed w/chives (again transplanted from my mother's garden), lemon balm, oregano, thyme, flat leaf parsley, and 2 lavender plants (with the mint and catnip already there).  The plants that lasted all winter inside in pots are struggling, but I'm hoping to bring them back to life now that they are outside in a nice, healthy new bed.  It is in the corner of the house and workshop and is our kitchen/cooking herb bed (as there will be many other herbs in the regular garden).
This is the beginning with the chives and one of the lavender plants:

This is after the rest of the herbs were planted:

In the main garden, I planted the potatoes, snap bush beans, French beans, a mix of eight different types of lettuce, green butterhead lettuce, red romaine lettuce, Napoli carrots, flax, two types of broccoli (De Cicco and Calabrese), specialty pink beauty radishes, bronze and green fennel, Swiss chard, and mini red purplette onions.  The pictures are a progression of these plantings.

The potatoes:

The two different types of beans:

The different types of lettuce:

 The rest:

Jocelyn's favorite food right now is broccoli, so I planted a special patch of broccoli just for her and Piet and I made a sign:

The landlord did the second till of the rest of the garden, these are different views to get an idea of the size of it:

My leftover dirt that had to be moved into the backyard, though it is almost all moved now:

I made a new flower bed by the barn with a day lily plant and mini gladiola bulbs.  Morning glories (from my mom) will also go in there once they are ready to transplant.  These are before and after pictures.  (Kaya likes to be my helper in the yard/gardens.)

Some of the flower popped open the day after I planted it!  So pretty!! :)

A lot of our trees are flowering and are so beautiful and smell delicious!!!

I planted mammoth sunflower seeds all around the yard/house and if they all come up, the result will be amazing!  (Obviously pictures to come when they grow.)

I also worked on weeding out the strawberry bed but it needs a lot more work, pictures will come later of before and after weeding.

Finally, I forgot to post a before and after of our painting of the kitchen and dining rooms, so here they are!

Dining room before, after, and now:

(The rugs are for Kaya because she slips on the floor when she gets excited and we don't want her to hurt herself.)

The kitchen before and after.

The big planting weekend is coming up in two weeks (Memorial weekend), so I hope to get the strawberry bed all weeded, the found wood all chopped for the fire pit, and the rest of the garden prepared before then so that I can get everything else in that weekend and we'll be on our way to a HUGE veggie garden and lots of flowers and herbs.

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