Monday, June 28, 2010

Visitors and more from around the farm...

There is SO much for me to get caught up on in this blog; it is going to be really long, but there are so many beautiful pictures to share as well as lots of things happening! 

The weekend after we got engaged, I went to Portland so that I could tell my family in person.  It was so much fun seeing everyone's reactions (especially my mom, Rachel and AA) :)  I also got to spend the whole day with my amazing, gorgeous, smart, funny niece, which is a rare treat since I live so far away.  I can't say enough wonderful things about Jocelyn, I fall in love with her more and more everyday and am just amazed at the person that she is.  My sister and Jason are AWESOME parents!!!  We went to the mall so she could ride the vehicle rides there.  She got to ride every single one that they have.  My camera died after the first one though, so I only got pictures of one ride.

I've still been getting a lot done around the farm and things are progressing really nicely!  I got the raspberry patch all cleaned out, they flowered, and are now forming berries, I can't wait!!


We now officially have a resident snake.  I see him multiple times a day now.  He lives in my wildflower patch by the door and has been seen in the compost bin.

This was our first radish, it was so cute and yummy!

We got enough rhubarb so I could make a batch of rhubarb/strawberry crisp.  It was so delicious!!!

I finally fixed Kaya's favorite toys (orange bear and monkey), she was very happy :) 

A week after our engagement, Joe and Pieter's dad came to visit.  We had a nice fire, lots of yummy food, and a great time!

Joe caught me when a bug was biting me.

Joe's monkey face, which I understand he stole from Lou ;)

Kaya was so happy being with her favorite guys.


The weekend of June 25th we had Cathy up to visit.  We had a wonderful time with yummy food, delicious drinks, lots of sun, time in the garden and board games at night!  She rewrote all of my plant signs which made the garden look SO good.  Thank you Cathy!!!!

We had make your own (vegetarian) tacos with lettuce from the garden for lunch right after Cathy arrived.

 Kaya loves Cathy :)

This was our first big harvest of radishes.  They are nice and spicy.

Our Encore Lettuce mix.

 The first lettuce harvest.

 We have picked a TON of wild strawberries.

We froze them and have been putting them in mimosas.  It's sooo good.

My mini gladiolas and morning glories are growing QUICK!

 The day lily next to them popped open a couple of days later

The pea plants are almost as tall as I am, and have peas popping out everywhere, another week or so and we'll be drowning in peas up here :)  The first picture is from a couple of weeks ago when they were about to my waist.

Pea plant flower.

The pea tendrils are so amazing!

Photo courtesy of Catherine Knott

Photo courtesy of Catherine Knott
Photo courtesy of Catherine Knott

Photo courtesy of Catherine Knott

Itty bitty pea poking out of the flower.

I dug for early potatoes but was a bit too early.  The one on the left is what I dug, the one on the right is a regular sized potato.  At least I know they are growing!

The wildflower garden just keeps looking better and better with new flowers every day!
The Picotee Cosmos are just amazing, I love watching them change each day.

Photo courtesy of Catherine Knott

Photo courtesy of Catherine Knott

 Just a week later...

We have tons of Black Eyed Susan flowers, I love them!

Photo courtesy of Catherine Knott

I found a big patch of evening primrose growing down by the garden, they are gorgeous!
Photo courtesy of Catherine Knott

Photo courtesy of Catherine Knott

We are getting a lot of Double Pinwheel Marigolds in the wildflower gardens as well.

Wildflowers in the field.

Wild roses.

The Scarlet Flax is absolutely beautiful!

Cow Vetch flowers.



The honeysuckle plant is gorgeous!

 Cathy got an awesome picture of the barn.

Photo courtesy of Catherine Knott

The garlic is getting ready to flower, the flower heads look like swans.
Photo courtesy of Catherine Knott

The flax plants are still a favorite at this stage.
Swiss Chard.

French beans.

Red romaine lettuce.

All of the squashes are growing very quickly. 

A couple of the broccoli plants are getting bigger.
The potato plant flowers are really pretty.

The bee balm flowers are so interesting looking and one of my favorites.
Hedge Bindweed.

We had some strange animal in the back yard, we think it might have been a fox but could only see his eyes.

Our fields are starting to explode with blueberries.  We are going to be eating blueberry muffins ALL year! :)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT !! You have become a farmer extraordinaire! I expect to see a farm stand open sometime this summer - GREAT job !! Linda
